“Grant Lord that I may know myself, that I may know thee.”

-St. Augustine

Enneagram image: a nine-pointed star with numbers at each point, set into a circle

The Enneagram is an incredible tool for self-discovery.

When learned and used properly, it can also become an amazing resource that allows you to show more grace and compassion to yourself and others.

Unlike most personality typing systems (DISC, Myers-Briggs, StrengthsFinder, Kolbe, Birkman, etc.), the Enneagram focuses not on your behaviors, but on your motivations. Rather than describing what you do, it uncovers why you do it.

The nine types all have different core motivations that drive them, and no one type is better or worse than the other. They’re just different. And learning that there are eight other ways of viewing and being in the world can change everything for you and your relationships.

While the Enneagram can provide lots of great information and tools for observation, I believe only the gospel provides transformation.

To say it’s become popular recently would be a massive understatement. You’ve likely seen Instagram accounts and memes, and that may be what brought you here. I believe that part of its popularity has to do with how it’s given people a common vocabulary and language for their inner world, giving words to what they’ve always felt but never known how to express. It’s given people the feeling of being seen and known.

While the Enneagram can be deceptively simple, it is incredibly nuanced and complex in its system and layers. Coaching can help you peel back those layers to see how your motivations actually drive your behaviors and cause you to think, feel, and act in predictable ways.

To read more more about how I have personally experienced gospel transformation using the Enneagram, click here.

The Enneagram shows us the nine different ways we interpret and inhabit our world.